[h.s. arc] grif to simmons

80 6 1

A/N: ayyy idk what this chapter is but i hope you all enjoy it

established grimmons in this chapter

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

Today 6:08 PM

[we should do a gay space project


[gay. space. project.

[for science

i figured it was for science grif]

how is space gay and why would we do a project on it???]

[uhh cuz aliens are gay and theyre in space obviously

grif aliens are not real and i'm pretty sure they wouldn't be gay if they were real]

[okay well how do you know theyre not real and not gay?


they're just not fucking real grif]

[fine fine okay ill take ur word 4 it

[we should still do a gay space project

please stop saying gay space project]

and i'm pretty sure kimball wouldn't actually accept that, or she would at least give us a bad grade]

[a bad grade is definitely worth doing a gay space project

say gay space project one more goddamn time grif]


[gay space project

i hate you]

[no u doooont

[if anything u rly rly like me


and of course i "rly rly like" you, we're dating idiot]


[kay so im gonna come 2 ur house and were gonna do a gay space project

jesus christ]

fine, but it's your fault if we get a bad grade]

[i will take full responsibility

[for the gay space project

stop fucking saying gay space project!!!]

just get over here before i change my mind]

[alright alright im on my way ya nerd

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

A/N: that did not go the way i thought it would lmao oops. i hope you guys didn't hate it :P

~+~ requests are open. PM me if you have a request, i will not accept comment requests. ~+~


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