[h.s. arc] south to north

339 15 5

A/N: FanfictionsCentral wanted something with south :P
she was never one of my absolute favorites (i'm probably gonna get so much hate for saying that lmao) so i'll admit that i don't write her very well.
just a reminder that i headcanon north's name as alex, so i headcanon south's as alexandria :P

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

12:43 PM

heyyy bro

what is it Alexa

aw dearest brother what makes u think i want something

it's the middle of the school day

and you're "home sick"

okay fine can i use ur car since u rode with dorkface today?

what do you need my car for?

what's wrong with yours?

uh its a little indisposed at the moment

so can i????

i don't even want to know. i guess it'd be okay

but please return it in one piece

and still in working condition

can do :)

did i ever tell u ur my favorite brother?

i'm your only brother

exactly why it makes u my favorite <3

ha ha hilarious

have fun don't get arrested

oh ye of little faith

i'm not sure whether you mean that i don't trust you, or that i doubt your abilities at getting arrested

ull just have to wait and see


do not do anything illegal with my car in your possession

ill try not to :P

this is why i don't trust you sometimes, you say things like that

ah dont worry bro ill make sure to be on my best behavior

i sincerely doubt that

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

A/N: hey guys~ just wanted to say that requests are still closed, but they'll be back up again really soon


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