coming over, part two ☆ locus to felix

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A/N: warning: very, very, veeery vague mention of sex in this chapter. and by vague, i mean literally one sentence referencing it.

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

Today 8:04 AM

Felix, did you steal my laptop?

You know I need that for work.

first of all, how are you even awake right now oh my god

and second, no, i didnt take your dumb laptop

It's nowhere in my apartment.

Last time I saw it, you were here. I don't exactly think that's a coincident.

locus. i did not steal your ducking laptop


i swear i am going to kill whoever invented autocorrect

its too early for this

go the fuck to sleep

Some of us have work to do, Felix.

and yet here you are, spending your time texting me

you should be looking for your laptop, eh?

I'm coming over.

what why?

You have my laptop.

no. i do not

That's a blatant lie.



Are you bribing me with my own work computer?

what? no. why would you think that?

im definitely not keeping your laptop hostage so youll come over

I'll be there soon.

Today 8:21 AM

hey you think we could manage a quickie before you have to work?


I am driving I'm not having this conversation right now

that wasnt a no ;)

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