[h.s. arc] grif to simmons

471 19 5

A/N: highschool arc, yay
ugh 8tracks has been so fricken ridiculous lately like wow

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

Today 5:32 PM



what, grif?

did u do the geometry homework

of course? why???

let me copy it :P

what no

do your own homework grif

but i dont liiiiike math

yeah, well you'll never learn to do it if you're always copying my work

pleeeeease simmons??

ill let u copy my marine biology

i already did mine, duh

do your own math grif

plus, what if my work is wrong? then you'll be wrong too

when r u ever wrong in math

ugh fine. i'll let you copy it at lunch

thank you simmons :))))


.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

A/N: ugh this was a rly bad chapter sorry


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