wash to locus

299 15 5

A/N: established locington in this chapter :P also dumb domesticness (also also, some probably rly extreme ooc xD)

just a reminder that, while the highschool arc chapters are all directly related, the normal texts are not at all~

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

[Locus <3]
Today 4:43 PM

hey locus?

Yes David?

could you maybe do me a favor?

nothing important, just something i want you to get on the way home from work

Depends on what it is.

Last time you asked me that, I had to drive three hours and go to seven different stores to find what you wanted.

hey just shows how dedicated of a boyfriend you are :*

Alright, fine. What is it that you want?

nothing extreme, or out of the way

just drop by the store and get me some ice cream lol

and we need cat food

I can do that.

What kind of ice cream?

mm i don't know, surprise me :P

Okay, but no whining when it's not something you like.

i trust you to know what kind of ice cream i like lol

Just remember that if I get it wrong.

oh whatever

ily, see you when you get home

Love you too.

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

A/N: wow that was shorter than i had anticipated when i started writing this chapter .-. sry bout that

psst, do any of you guys watch south park? lol. i was thinking of doing a text thing for that too, but idk yet :P

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