[h.s. arc] felix to locus

346 15 3

A/N: lolix in this chapter, and some choice words courtesy of the orange trashcan

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

[fave douchebag <3]
6:50 PM

heyyy locus

Hello Felix.

okay so theres that stupid halloween fuckery at the school in like two weeks

Okay, what about it?

youre taking me

You want to even go to that?

why wouldnt i?

Felix. We've been together for years

I know you hate those things.

but this is the last halloween thing well go to at the school ever

i mean unless i fail lol

You probably will.

thanks for that vote of confidence

either way, i love halloween and since were seniors i wanna fucking go

you dick


But after you're coming back to my place.

roger that ;)



i guess

Making progress I see.

whatever fuckface

Today 7:12 PM


oh my god

why do you do this


holy fuck seriously

i hate you

Hate you too


if i could flip you off in a text i would

I know you would Felix.

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

A/N: i aM SO EXCITED bc i ordered the book carry on by rainbow rowell finally and it's like gay harry potter i'm so excited about this book and it's so amazing so far (as per usual, with rainbow's books ^_^)

also whoop whoop 50th chapter~ thanks so much to everyone for all the reads and votes so far!!


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