[h.s. arc] felix to locus

376 20 13

A/N: lolix in this chapter
sorry the chapter is so short~
also someone needs to recommend some tf2 fics to me cx

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

[fave douchebag <3]
Today 11:42 AM

oh my god



come save me

From what?

history class ugh

sarge doesn't even teach he just yells at everyone about his war stories that probably aren't even true

save. me.


um because youre my boyfriend and you love me


no you dont love me or no you wont come bail me out

either way im deeply offended


For me to physically come get you out of class, I'd also have to skip my class

which right now is spanish and you fucking speak that already half the time

come get me you asshole

and then we can go ahead and go to lunch early


But we're eating off campus

good because i want taco bell :P

I'll be there in a few minutes.

Have to convince Doyle to let me leave

see you soon ~

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