[h.s. arc] donut to york

401 13 4

A/N: okay i know donut and york sounds like a weird combo, but i bet donut would crush so hard on york omg
also, i headcanon york's actual name as shaun and north's as alex because fanfiction reasons, so that's a thing in this chapter
kind of docnut in this chapter (more like donut is super infatuated with doc but yeah)

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

[Sexy 😍]
Today 5:48 PM


Please tell me you have Doc's number


You're the one that has track with him :P

Okay yeah, but I'm obviously not just gonna ask for his number!


Why not?

Because he's super cute you don't just do that

It's not that hard lol

You asked for my number like the first time we met

I said hello and you immediately started flirting

That was different

How was that different?

You're outgoing

Doc is adorably nerdy and probably doesn't even understand flirting

OK fine I don't have his number but I can see if Alex does

Please and thank you 😘

Today 5:57 PM

Yeah he did here 123-456-7890

Thank you! I owe you


Just don't replace me as your flirting buddy lol

Wouldn't dream of it 😉

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

A/N: donut definitely uses emojis just sayin
also excuse that lame af excuse i used for doc's number lol i didn't know what else to put

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