[h.s. arc] grif to simmons

370 16 12

A/N: i know i know i write a lot of "grif to simmons" but i feel like i have their interactions down pretty well and they're easiest for me to write cx

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Today 4:38 PM

yo simmons



what grif?

get on ur laptop so we can play tf2


i do not have time to play team fortress with you

and why not?

uhhh we have a project in history due soon

thats due in like 2 weeks

that was a week and a half ago grif

no it was not


was it???

yes grif. and i'm guessing you having started yours yet?

oh shit no dude u have 2 help me

no! it's your fault you haven't started on it yet asshole

simmoooooons c'moooon

remember i was sick for those few days last week


then why don't you just ask sarge for an extension

dude what no he would probably literally kill me

u know he hates me simmons

you don't show up in class enough for him to hate you

pleeeeease help me

come on simmons

ill let you be the sniper next time we play tf2

ill even take over as the medic for you

you couldn't handle being the medic grif

fine i'll help you on your project

but you're coming over here

okay yeah fine

but im staying for dinner :P

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A/N: don't judge me i jumped onto the team fortress 2 bandwagon recently and i <3 it so much i needed to incorporate it in a chapter somehow......


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