grif to simmons

244 14 4

A/N: do i even have to tell you guys that there is established grimmons in this chapter? lol

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

Today 11:21 AM

yo dick

what do u want 4 xmas

i'm pretty sure you're supposed to surprise me grif

okay yeah but i cant think of anything

so ur gonna have 2 help me out

are you serious right now???



oh my god

i honestly don't care, you can get whatever you think is fine

ur definition and my definition of fine are completely different u kno that

ugh you make things so difficult

ya its my goal in life

to annoy the fuck out of u

yeah trust me, i've noticed

seriously though, get whatever

what does whatever entail??

like a book or something i don't know

ok so what kind of books do u read

you should know the answer to that question grif.

alright alright point taken

but when i get the wrong thing its on u

duly noted, thanks

i'll see you later

yup. love u

you too



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A/N: they celebrate christmas right?? i don't think it ever explicitly said what religion these two idiots are lol.
if so, call my dumbass out and i'll fix it! c:
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