grif to simmons

333 21 5

A/N: @FanfictionsCentral wanted some grimmons movie theater texting :P
maybe kind of sort of very vague reference to mature content in this chapter. but barely

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

6:28 PM

hey simmons

grif we are literally right next to each other!!

hey im just being courteous to everyone else simmons no one likes people who talk during movies

yeah, and no one likes when people are constantly on their phones during movies, asshole

speaking of which, i'm trying to watch this movie obviously. what was so important you had to text me about?

well its not like you paid to see the movie

grif i swear

yeah yeah i know i offered because its a date whatever

you still didn't answer my question. what was so important????

i would like for you to go get some more popcorn

oh my god

no grif!


watching a movie here grif

okay yeah but you read the book so you know what happens

that's not a reason for ME to be the one that has to go get popcorn

uh yeah it kind of is

i literally cannot believe we're arguing about this in texts while we're sitting next to each other

again being courteous simmons

no one likes people who argue during movies

oh my fucking god i'll go get popcorn good lord

thanks babe :))))

whatever you owe me

well it is a date ;)))

oh my god

seriously grif

youre the one that said i owe you so i will definitely be repaying you




we are in public

okay fine

we'll talk about it later ;)

shut up

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