[h.s. arc] felix to tucker

327 18 10

A/N: YourDailyFabulous requested felix and tucker :P
established lolix in this, and, as per usual, some words from felix mostly.

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

Today 12:01 PM

hey asshole

come get your boyfriend hes distracting mine


fucking wash

i swear when hes around locus pays more attention to him than me

so come fucking get him or i will personally make him leave

and it wont be pretty

alright fine chill out dude

nd hes not my boyfrnd

where r u?


wait why cant u tell wash 2 leave

um because then locus will ignore me

its okay if he ignores you

fine fine im on my way

u owe me 1

okay whatever just come get this fuckwad

ok chill out damn i said i was on my way

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

A/N: sry it's so short~

☆ agentwashingt0n

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