grif to simmons

519 43 12

A/N: grimmons in this chapter
warning (?): veeeeeeeery very very veeery very vague reference to mature content. literally one sentence
also, i'm still taking requests bc i only got like two, lol. send as many requests as you want :P

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

Today 12:01 PM



hey dick


seriously simmons

oh my god what do you want, grif?

you should totally c'mere

what? you're just in the other room

you are literally one room away from me right now

nuh uh

theres a bathroom and a storage closet between our bedroom and the living room

grif i swear to god

what do you need?

i already told u

i want u 2 come in here

and I told YOU no

u didnt specifically say no simmons

i'm done talking to you, asshole

hey why am i the asshole

i just wanted u 2 come 2 our bedroom

what for?

uh cuddling


and maybe some other stuff

other stuff?

christ do i gotta spell it out 4 u

ur supposed 2 be the smart one



yeah okay i'll be right there

yeah thats what i thought :P

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