kimball to doyle

330 19 11

A/N: doyle would listen the fuck out of some jazz and no one can tell me otherwise
i was listening to jazz on spotify and this chapter was subsequently spawned

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

Today 4:58 PM

I'm sorry could you turn your jazz up louder

I don't think they can hear it on the other side of the country

Well, I'm sorry. You wanted me to cook dinner tonight, and that is how I cook.

Does playing obnoxious music loudly make the food taste better?

If not could I request that you turn it the fuck down

The neighbors can probably hear it

All right, don't get smart with me. I'll turn the music down.

Thank you very much

In case you didn't know, that was sarcasm

Yes, Vanessa. Loud and clear, darling.

Don't darling me

Hey now, who's cooking dinner? I could easily do something terrible to your food.

I would like to see you try

You'd miss me too much

And you wouldn't get much money from insurance

Oh hush, Vanessa.

You're right though. I could never

Like I said

Dinner is almost ready.

I'll go ahead and come down then

Help set the table or something

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

A/N: sry that was so awful lol
this, as per usual, went a way different direction than I had planned when I started writing :P
*whispers* if anyone has any requests, feel free to click that "send a message" button and send your request(s) on their way to my message box~
i don't want to sound rude, but i will now only accept requests if they're sent through pms to me, so pls no request comments


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