day off, part one ☆ caboose to church

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A/N: extremely vague churboose if you're actively looking for it. i didn't write this chapter with the ship in mind though.
i can't really decide on caboose's texting style. let me know if you think there's a better style c:
also, some chapters will have titles if they are connected with other chapters

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[Best Friend]
Today 12:24 PM


Church, Hello

Best Friend!

Church! Are You There

Dammit caboose what!

Oh Hello Church! What Are You Doing

Was trying to enjoy my day off

Oh Oh! Can I Come Enjoy It With You?

What no then i wouldnt be enjoying it

Oh Okay Church, I Understand

Today 12:38 PM


What is it now caboose

Can I Come Over Now Church?

Oh my god

Alright fine but if you start annoying me im kicking you out

Okay Church!

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