felix to locus

284 13 4

A/N: yooo RoboticSpider requested felix and locus talking about how much they hate wash, lol. i loved writing this, thank you for the request~

as per usual, established lolix in this chapter

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

[fave douchebag]
3:21 AM

have i ever told you how much i fucking hate wash

I'm not even going to tell you what time it is Felix.

And yes, you've told me. Enough times to last through eternity.

i am being serious locus

So am I.

I hate him too, don't worry. I just don't decide to discuss our mutual hatred at three in the morning because unlike you, obviously, I actually sleep

that was way too long of a text for 3 am locus

I swear Felix...

I don't even know anymore. You don't care about threats

nah cause i know youd never go through with it

im serious though i really hate him

Fine, I'll indulge you.

I know Felix, me too. I hate him so much

Is that better?


thank you

Oh my god.

Why did you just suddenly start thinking about how much you hate Agent Washington at three a.m?

bored idk

wanna know why i hate him

No. Goodnight Felix


we were having such a nice conversation

No, we were absolutely not.

fine but were gonna have a legit full discussion about our hatred for wash later today

Fine, as long as you promise to stop texting me

alright alright fine goodnight babe

I'm not even going to say anything. Goodnight

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

A/N: i really hope i did your request justice lol i feel like i kind of didn't..

~+~ requests are open. PM me if you have a request, i will not accept comment requests. ~+~


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