[h.s. arc] bitters to palomo

379 12 0

A/N: i ship them so hard so, y'know, vague bitters/palomo if you're into that

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

Today 3:12 PM

come with me to the game tonight

is that a request or a suggestion?

its an enforcement

smith wants me to come because hes finally getting to play

but i hate football games

so u want me to come keep u company?



if i have to suffer through a football game someone is coming down with me

and youre the only person i knew that wasnt planning on going

so i was ur last choice..?

not necessarily

first and last choice

aw that's nice of you

shut up

im gonna pick you up after school ok

another enforcement?

more of a kind gesture

itll be late after the game so you can uhhh stay the night

if you want..

yeah okay :)

you're being super nice lol

dont make me change my mind

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