north to south

200 13 1

A/N: K-9crazy requested north being pissed bc south is drunk and locked him out of the house xD

referenced established north/york in this chapter :P

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

Today 11:38 PM




the fuck do u want lol

why is the door locked?

um bc i locked it????

i assumed u were stayin the night with dorkface

and then i got drunk lol

oh my god

just come let me in

i would but nah


I can't just sleep outside South


go back to yorks house

I would if I had driven there!

York picked me up, which means he dropped me off and he's left already

and if you remember correctly, my car keys are inside the house, which I'm locked out of

so come let me in!

that was way too many texts in a row

u text hella fast lol

I'm never letting you drink again

aww dont be like that hold up ill come let u in

try not to hurt yourself on the way, yeah?

ya alright u got it

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

A/N: that went a way different direction than i thought it was gonna go lol.
i hope you guys enjoy this chapter as much as i did :P

~+~ requests are open. PM me if you have a request, i will not accept comment requests. ~+~


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