[h.s. arc] donut to york

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A/N: i rly hope u guys aren't getting bored with all the highschool au stuff lol. it's just the only thing i have easy ideas for :P
mentioned docnut (kind of sorta) and north/york in this chapter

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[Sexy 😍]
Today 9:21 AM

Omg Shaun


Why're you even awake right now man it's saturday

I kind of went on a date with Doc last night 😋

That's great how'd it go

Well like I said, it wasn't exactly a date

But we went to see that new scary movie

And how did that go? ;))))

Very well lol

He got really scared one time and was practically in my lap

It was great

So you should thank me for getting his number for you lol

Technically you got it from Alex though, so I should really thank him 😉

Oh whatever you know I'm hotter than him

How about this.. You're both respectively hot in your own ways 😝

And your opinion on Alex doesn't matter because you're his boyfriend

Fine, that's fair enough

You and your emojis though

What? I mean, you use emoticons. Emojis are just pictures of those emoticons really lol

I'm not even gonna argue with you

It's too early for that

Go back to bed

I've been up since a little before 8

Do you always sleep in late?

Uh yeah man that's what weekends are for

Don't tell me you never sleep in

Only if I had a long night 😘

Donut no

That's all I have to say

Lol I'll text you later

Actually, you text me, that way I'll know you're up 😋

Can do

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A/N: so my doc gave me some meds for my insomnia and i start taking them today, so this will probably be the last time i update tonight (because usually i'm still on at 3 am lol) :P

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