[h.s. arc] theta to delta

325 20 7

A/N: king239 requested a.i.s chattin

for future reference, anyone who has requests plEASE PM me. it's easier for me to go into my messages and read requests, rather than having to comb through comments to find what ppl requested :P please and thank u~

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Today 7:05 PM

Delta hey!

Hello Theta.

What's up?

I was thinkin could you maybe pick me up in the morning for school?

Of course. Any particular reason why?

Not really no

It's just that my bus is gonna be doing a new route and that makes me have to get on earlier

And so I have to get up way earlier and I don't want to do that lol

Okay, not a problem.

The middle school starts later than the high school, right?

Ya I think so!

All right. I can take you to get some breakfast before school tomorrow, if you want.

Okay :)

I'll have to drop you off at the middle school a little early though, so I won't be late.

That's okay! We always wait in the lunchroom until school starts anyways

Okay. I can start picking you up every morning for school, if that's what you'd prefer.

Ya that'd be awesome!

Thanks so much Delta!! :)

Not a problem at all Theta.

I'll see you tomorrow at around 7:30

Okay! See ya then

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