north to south

517 23 10

A/N: @ShadowIvywood wanted something between north and south. sorry it took so long, friend~
kind of established north/york and south/ct in this chapter. theta is north's son :P

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

Today 6:20 PM


please tell me there's a reason why Theta keeps saying he wants a gun for christmas

have u seen his dads

we don't go wielding guns around

unlike a certain twin i know

why r u asking me??? there is connie too

i like to think Connie's a little more conservative with fire arms around my 8 year old

and i wouldnt be??

yeah ur right i wouldnt be



kid's got a whole army as a family

i cant help that he wants a gun


well if u dont buy it i will

i think he reeeeally wants one

i'm not letting him come over anymore

aw u nerd there is no way u would keep my nephew from me :P

plus im sure york would side with me on this

there's no way i'm getting him a gun

he's still in elementary school South

ill compromise. how about middle school


we'll talk about it when we get to that point in time

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

A/N: sorry it was so domestic and boring!
i'm going to be doing a highschool au arc for the next how-many-ever chapters, so i'll be titling them with h.s. arc, so keep an eye out for that!!


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