not married!, part three ☆ church to caboose

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A/N: i'm having way too much fun with this idea so i decided to do another chapter.
also it has come to my attention that i have never actually written church to caboose, it's always the other way around! so that's a thing lol

and of course expect a lot of churboose fluff and church having difficulty explaining romantic things to caboose ( '▽`)

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Today 4:53 PM

Caboose do you actually know what it means when people get married?

Oh Yes!!

It's When Two People That Are Best Friends And Love Each Other A Lot Get All Dressed Up And Go In A Church And Say A Bunch Of Words And Then Kiss :D

Well youre not wrong i guess

But it means they like want to spend the rest of their lives together and have kids or whatever


Well I'm Not Good With Kids But We Will Have Freckles :)

Oh my god

Caboose we cant just get married because tucker said we act like it

Which we dont

I Don't Know Church, It Sounds Like We're Pretty Married

Again thats not how marriage works

You have to like love the other person

I Do Love You Church, You're My Best Friend!

Not that kind of love buddy

Like.. ugh this is so hard to explain

You have to want to do stuff together as a couple like romantically and kiss and stuff or whatever

I Think I Understand..

Why Can't We Do That Stuff Church??

Oh. Well.. uhh i mean do you..want to????


Does Marriage Include Holding Hands And Stuff?

Haha yeah that's included

We Could Do That Then! I Like Holding Hands :)

So you wanna like hold hands with me and stuff..

Yes :) And Nice Kisses Too But Only If That Is Okay With You!

Oh. Okay um.. i guess maybe sometime yeah we could try?

Really? :D

Sure yeah

Um im off work now actually

Do you wanna like i dont know come over for dinner or something..??

That Would Nice! We Could Try Holding Hands Too After That :)

Uh yeah haha if you want to

Okay Church, I Will Be There Soon!

You dont want me to come get you or anything?? i know you dont really like driving

It's Okay Church This Is Important :)

Ah yeah okay

I guess ill see you soon then

You can bring freckles if you want to

Yay :D Okay Church I Will!

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A/N: so yeah lol that happened. i may make one more part for this but idk yet ¯\_()_/¯

also i listened to jenny by studio killers while i wrote this and idk i love that song so much everyone should go give it a listen c:

music is a big inspiration for me, so i may start putting music videos in the chapters if the text is based off the song idk. how do you guys feel about that???

~+~ requests are open. PM me if you have a request, i will not accept comment requests. ~+~


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