tucker to grif

267 13 6

A/N: this chapter is kind of halo-verse but it's also modern au. i'm only considering it vaguely halo-verse because it mentions chief and cortana (who is human in this chapter :P)

mentioned established grimmons and tuckington in this chapter (also chieftana lol)

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Today 11:08 AM

yo dude u hear about chief & tana tying the knot finally lol

yeah man

carolina said her dad got personally invited and said it was a hella wedding

it was about time :P

they wer engagd 4 like 5 yrs or sumthin like tht

arent normal engagements like a year????

idk man look how long u nd simmons wer engaged

point taken

for the record it was his fault

i wont evn ask

sounds normal 4 u guys anyway :P

what does

not being 2gethr 4 dumb reasons lol

oh whatever

how long were you and wash dancing around each other before you started dating

alright fine lol i dnt hav much room 2 tlk

yeah no sass from u asshole

okay okay fine lol

but speaking of u nd simmons u guys wanna come ovr tmro??

me nd wash r goin 2 see a friend of his play with his band

sure sounds like a plan

okay jst lemme kno when u guys wanna go

the band is gonna be starting at like 6 or sumthin

okay ill let simmons know

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~+~ requests are open. PM me if you have a request, i will not accept comment requests. ~+~


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