felix to locus

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A/N: i haven't updated for like 2 days i feel so bad xD it's actually kind of hard coming up with cute/funny/whatever texts like idk why it's so difficult lol

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[fave douchebag <3]
Today 4:02 AM


just so were clear

if i ever show up at your doorstep covered in blood

dont worry its not mine


I would be worried BECAUSE it isn't yours


It's 4 am leave me alone

locus im serious

So am I

Go to sleep

i cant asshole

I don't care

thats a big lie

Fine. Why can't you sleep then?


i sleep over at your place

your beds comfier

I'm sorry I can't hear you over all of that sentiment.

you dont hear anything in texts you prick

its not sentiment anyway

its the fact that i got used to sleeping in your bed

Ah, and you miss it?

That sounds like some kind of sentiment to me.


Come over if you want, but I'm going back to sleep.

i am not driving all the way to your apartment just to sleep in your bed

okay i might

fine yes i am getting out of bed right now and i am going to drive to your place

look at that i'm walking out the door

You don't have to narrate. Just let me know when you get here

ruin all the fun then

fine im on my way

you better let me in this time

last time i had to sleep in my car

That was your fault.

you were the one that wouldnt let me in!

Just drive and stop texting me Felix.

aw look at you worried about my wellbeing

ill have you know im great at texting and driving

No. I just want you to stop texting me so I can get some sleep.


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A/N: that went a way different direction than what i thought when i started writing this chapter
also, my phone keeps changing locus to alicia lol


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