[h.s. arc] felix to locus

457 24 3

A/N: lolix in this chapter
psst in case you didn't know, terrence is sharkface's actual name :P

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

[fave douchebag <3]
12:11 PM



what class are you in?


Leave me alone, I'm trying to work

dude you fucking speak perfect spanish you dont have to work in that class

come to the lunchroom

Why would I do that?

uh because im in here? duh

i need some intelligent company

Don't you and Terrence have the same lunch?

yeah locus i said intelligent

last i checked sharkboy wasnt included in my definition of intelligent

Felix, even if I wanted to come sit in the lunchroom and be bored with you, I can't just skip class

dude just tell doyle youll be right back or something

hes too big of a pushover to say anything even if he did notice you were gone for the rest of class



But you're buying me something to eat for all my troubles.

that probably means i will be buying you food all the time

but i will buy you lunch because i am a good boyfriend

I wouldn't say that

shut up you love me

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