[h.s. arc] church to tucker

437 21 9

A/N: okay short chapter is short
i had no idea what to do for this chapter, but i wanted to update a little for u guys. so, sorry this chapter is probably boring :P

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2:43 PM

This pep rally is ridiculous

wut pep rally

Um the one at our school

Taking place in the gym??

Where even are you how do you not know theres a pep rally

lol i skippd out on tht. pep rallies r lame

That doesn't answer my question???

Where are you?

parking lot

I may try to leave and sneak out there then

Because i'm not rallying my pep at all

its jst so they can sell us dumb school spirit crap


I would say i would bring caboose but he loves pep rallies soooo

ya no i wuldnt bring him nyway :P

Rude hes not too bad

Okay yeah youre right haha

Ill be out there in a sec

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