[h.s. arc] felix to locus

85 9 2

A/N: in other news, i've been away for so long that i don't even remember how i used to format this shit lmao

established lolix in this chapter, alllllso some references to mature content lol

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

[fave douchebag <3]
Today 3:38 PM

[you looked extremely tired after you dropped me off

Did I?]

[you technically always look tired but yes you looked even more tired today

I just didn't sleep well last night.]

Are you saying you're concerned for my wellbeing?]

[not with that attitude im not

[seriously though take a nap babe

I have a lot of homework to do.]

[you always have a lot of homework to do you nerd

[it can wait for an hour or two

You really want me to take a nap, don't you?]

[i want you to be adequately rested

[for activities involving me



[dont just say my name like that

[okay fine sorry

[but not really

[legit though naps are important sooo take a nap

If I take a nap, will you stop texting me so I can sleep?]


[take a nap and well find out

Today 4:43 PM


Today 5:39 PM


Today 6:18 PM

[jesus christ

I apologize, I slept longer than I wanted to]

You did want me to take a nap though.]

[i said a nap not a fucking coma


[i told you you looked tired though

I suppose you were right this once]

[im always right what are you talking about

Not necessarily]

[nnnnope im pretty sure im always right

[you just choose not to believe me

That sounds subjective, but all right.]


[im gonna come over now

For what?]

[were gonna study and then im gonna distract you until you forget alllll about studying and focus on me instead

That was a poor attempt at sexting]

[im not sexting you fuckface

[im telling you whats gonna happen when i get there

Yeah, that's called sexting]

[fuck you

Isn't that what you're coming over for?]

[i fucking hate you drive off a cliff

[ill be over in 15

I'll be here.]

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

A/N: man i love writing interactions between these two lmao, they're my favorite ones to write besides grimmons 😂

anyways yeah i hope you all enjoyed that train wreck

~+~ requests are open. PM me if you have a request, i will not accept comment requests. ~+~


Red Vs Blue Texts (on hiatus) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora