[h.s. arc] felix to locus

247 10 4

A/N: do i even need to say that there's lolix in this chapter? lol
i swear i can't with these two

also, i have a random headcanon that felix lives with his grandparents?? ?

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

[fave douchebag]
Today 4:03 PM

hey locus?

What is it?

did you finish your project for history?

I have all the upcoming projects finished Felix.

well arent you just student of the year

come help me with mine


because im your boyfriend and you love me?

and ill repay you ;)

I was going to help you anyway

But okay.

well that was easy lol

my grandmother wants you to stay for dinner too

up to you tho

That's fine with me.

I'll be there soon.

okay <3

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

~+~ requests are open. PM me if you have a request, i will not accept comment requests. ~+~


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