group text 4

141 7 5

A/N: @-FallenFour- requested locus, felix, and sharkface like 6 million years ago i'm sorry it's so late, friend!

this is modern au.
also do i even have to say there's established lolix in this?? they're like my otp you guys should know this by now lmao

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

|| Felix pov ||
Today 12:08 PM

i just wanted to say

thank you guys for tolerating me

even though i dont give a shit

[fishstick]: Good I don't give a shit either

i didnt ask for your opinion terrance

[fishstick]: Um, yeah? You kind of did

[fave douchebag <3]: You did include him in the text.

i take it back fuck you guys

[fishstick]: I'm pretty sure you say that at least once a day

[fishstick]: To varying assortments of people

[fave douchebag <3]: I can attest to that, he says it to me everyday

okay but

that's usually in a different way and usually is along the lines of "fuck me"

if you catch my drift

[fishstick]: I have caught the drift and do not want it

[fishstick]: Take it back


shut the fuck up

okay no sorry that was mean

shut up

[fishstick]: You're being mean today

im mean everyday whatre you talking about

locus when i added you to this convo that was an invitation for you to actually fucking respond

just in case you werent aware of that

[fave douchebag <3]: I'm aware.

then fucking join in any time damn like

im gonna stab you

with a knife

[fishstick]: I'm pretty sure that's illegal

im pretty sure i dont give a fuck

[fave douchebag <3]: My phone is on 3 percent, I'm trying not to use it.

my patience with you is at 3% locus

[fave douchebag <3]: I guess you won't want to know what multiple items I bought you today then.

suddenly i forgive you for totally unrelated reasons

[fishstick]: I can't decide if I want to make a gold digger joke or not

everyone who knows me knows im a gold digger

locus even knows this and has since accepted it

[fave douchebag <3]: That is true

[fave douchebag <3]: Unfortunately.

[fishstick]: Did you just make a pun???

[fave douchebag <3]: It was unintentional.

suuuuuure it was

you just dont want people to believe you actually have a sense of humor

its tiny but its a sense of humor nonetheless

[fave douchebag <3]: Felix, I really have to go now. My phone is about to die.


make sure you charge it when you get home though

[fishstick]: You two live together???

where the fuck have you been

of course we live together were engaged

[fishstick]: I was unaware of that

um yeah because you werent invited to the party

[fishstick]: Why

maybe its because

i dont like you

[fishstick]: Yet you continue to talk to me

whatever im done here goodbye peasant

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

A/N: okay wow that ended up being way longer than i thought. i kept running out of ideas so i had to keep looking up text prompts to use lmao

~+~ requests are open. PM me if you have a request, i will not accept comment requests. ~+~


Red Vs Blue Texts (on hiatus) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz