grif to simmons

149 12 6

A/N: sorry for the slow updates, i've been in the process of moving into a new house and then getting internet installed and all that T^T 

also sorry for like neglecting y'all's requests ^^; so as an apology, have some cute fluffy (and sarcastic) grimmons!

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

Today 11:03 AM

hey lets get married


we're kind of already engaged.

unless you just, like, forgot??


i meant like

"hey lets go get married tomorrow"

or whatever

are youuuu.. being serious..????

well i mean kinda

tomorrow is pushing it

more like next week or something

what???? that is way too soon to plan a wedding!!

nahhhh we can get donut 2 help

oh my god

do we even have money to do that?

i dunno probably

see, you are the reason we have no money

you want to get married next week grif please

im not hearing a no?

ugh i don't know god

a week is really soon. and we'd have to request time off work and then plan honeymoon stuff

if you wanted to go on a honeymoon, of course

um and have u all 2 myself for an extended amount of time? hell yes


but not next week!!! we need time to plan everything

so liiiiike what 2 weeks?

oh my god grif no like next month or so

thaaaats way 2 long

not to plan a wedding AND a honeymoon

fine how about this i talk 2 donut and see how long this kinda stuff takes and then we go from there

grif jesus donut is not a wedding planner

i mean hey he could be

but he isn't

close enough though


okay you know what fine yes consult donut you get back to me with that

can do


you are..

i don't even have a word for what you are

ur fiance that u love very much

im not wrong

i'm technically supposed to say that

but yes you're not wrong

see if donut wants to go have lunch with us or something, and we can all talk about this wedding stuff

okay :)))

love u

i love you too unfortunately

ull never be rid of me

i know i've accepted my fate


.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

~+~ requests are open. PM me if you have a request, i will not accept comment requests. ~+~


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