[h.s. arc] felix to locus

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A/N: i kinda forgot that i wanted to include siris in this book, so i decided why not make him the new kid in the highschool arc 😂

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

[fave douchebag <3]
Today 10:38 AM

theres a new kid in my class

lets adopt him

What does that even mean?

he can be part of our friend group thing

i deem him worthy

and thats a lot coming from me

Who is he?

new kid i already said that nerd

im getting conflicting answers about his name though


i mean like when doyle took roll he called him mason but everyone else is calling him cyrus

he has informed me its spelled siris

he sounds pretentious af

Ask him what his schedule is.

you ask him

im busy

You're never busy in Doyle's class.

You just don't want to talk to him now because you think he's pretentious.


you guys have spanish and math together gross

okay actually here ill just get his number and add him to the group chat

Sounds fine to me.

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

A/N: okay yeah that happened. so the next chapter is a direct follow-up from this one, so just keep that in mind i guess??

also i know i ask about it a lot, but does anyone think i should try to make the texts a little more decipherable? like i could italicize one person's texts so that you guys can distinguish them from the other person's more easily??
idk my dudes just a thought. or i could always just pick a whole different format that could possibly be clearer??? idk lmao

~+~ requests are closed until further notice ~+~


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