[h.s. arc] tucker to wash

452 26 2

A/N: i rly feel like highschool tucker would have cute ridiculous nicknames for everyone in his phone

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

Today 1:57 PM





what do you want tucker we're taking a test!

lol wuts the answr 2 #7??

are you serious right now?

i am not helping you cheat on the test

dude jst tell me :P


if the teacher sees us we'll get detention or something equally stupid

omg jst tell me the answr

if u dnt i can jst get it from doc


it's 478

thnx wash i owe u 1

yeah? you're cheating off me on a math test. what could you possibly offer to repay me for my troubles, hm?

i hav like 6 bucks??

tucker good lord keep your lunch money. i don't want anything

it'll make me feel worse about helping you cheat on a test

ur such a good doer lol i dunno how were frinds

i help you cheat on tests. that's probably one reason

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