grif to simmons

457 26 1

A/N: established grimmons in this chapter

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

Today 3:08 AM

hey simmons





what the fuck do you want grif!!?

i made pancakes

do u want some

i swear to god

it is 3 in the morning

i was asleep

why are you even making pancakes at 3 am?????

because i was hungry duh

and pancakes sounded like the best solution


do you. want some. pancakes

i'm kicking you out if you come anywhere near our bedroom right now oh my god

hey now you should be used to this

Today 3:24 AM


ur not really gonna kick me out

are you???

simmons i'm serious


the couch is comfy whatever

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

A/N: i like to imagine that they half-fight over the dumbest shit, but grif will sleep on the couch every time bc he wants to give his bf space cx

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