[h.s. arc] wash to maine

442 22 3

A/N: i personally headcanon maine's actual name as matthias, so in this au, i'll probably refer to him as that and matt when i use his name :P
short boring chapter is short and boring

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

Today 4:50 PM

hey matt :)

you should come over

so we can study for that science test we have tomorrow

theres a test tmrw???

yeah lol. did you miss that completely?


whats it on?


i can't remember

which is why i need someone to study with :P

i'm pretty sure it's chapter 12 in the book though

ok ill b over soon

anything else 2 study?


i have a latin test tomorrow too

think you're up for helping with that too?


c u soon

bring snackage lol


cant study w/o snacks

story of my life

the door's unlocked, so just walk in when you get here

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