[h.s. arc] grif to simmons

254 17 1

A/N: oh god i just realized i missed my own fictional halloween school party lmao sorry about that~
with the hiatus and all it was just really hard to get stuff written before halloween and i hadn't even realized it was so close (﹏╥)

a close friend of mine requested grimmons, so grimmons she's gonna get :P for this chapter, just imagine that halloween hasn't come and gone yet xD and just kind of pretend halloween was on a sunday lmao bc i got confused *cries*

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

Today 4:27 PM

do u wanna go 2 that halloween thing at the school this weekend??

what an eloquent way of asking me to go with you

u kno me eloquent as always

oh yeah you are the epitome of eloquence

only if you want to, i don't really care

school dances aren't my thing

ya me neither :P

u can come over 2 my house and we can marathon scary movies and cuddle

sounds better than a school event

yes it does ;)))


there will be none of that. halloween is on a sunday

so???? we can stay up late and just skip monday

that is not a good idea at all

sounded like a good idea 2 me

first of all, i refuse to skip school. second, you can't miss any more days grif

nah itll be ok simmons

have fun 4 once :P

dammit grif

okay fine

but just this once will i skip school for you

aw how nice of u

don't make me change my mind

lol alright fine gotcha no snark from me


love you too


.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

~+~ requests are open. PM me if you have a request, i will not accept comment requests. ~+~


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