simmons to grif

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a/n: got this idea from pinterest ✌️
established grimmons in this chapter.
also i've never explicitly written simmons to grif?? it's always the other way around so?

also also vague reference to mature content??

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

Today 3:07 PM



love of my life

please talk to me

i said i was sorry

sorry doesnt bring back my fucking skittles simmons

grif it wasn't even my fault

it was tucker's fault, he's the one that gave them away

Today 3:14 PM


jesus christ i will go pick you up some skittles from the store

thats not the same

oh my god

yes, it is

exactly the same

i'm pretty sure i bought you those last skittles anyway asshole

hey im not the asshole u are u ate my skittles

why is this something you want to fight about oh my god???

look at that, i'm getting dressed to go to the gas station to get you some skittles

hear that? i'm walking out the door

grif i swear to god

get me a blue monster too

what the fuck!!

ugh fine yes okay i'll get you skittles and a monster

a blue one


and a bag of cheetos

you're pushing it grif

its ur fault

fine whatever is that all you want?

well no but itll do


okay fine i'll be back soon

yo take my car and fill it up for me while ur at it

ohhhhh my god


is that a yes?


fine yes goodbye

love u

you better after this

ill reward u ;)))


go away i'm trying to drive

i love you too asshole

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

A/N: that happened lmao. i hope you guys enjoyed this trainwreck

anyways yep i'm still on a relative hiatus so requests are closed :P

~+~ requests are closed until further notice ~+~


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