felix to sharkface

461 21 2

A/N: lol this was actually the thing i planned on making a phone call, but i thought it would be better as a text

thank you all for the feedback on my last author note. i wanted this chapter out before my highschool arc, so i may see if i can rearrange the chapters so this one comes before :P

lolix and implied sharkprice (bc i'm trash) in this chapter
warning: mature content up ahead!

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

Today 7:43 PM

dude stp calling me watthe fuck do uwany

Was that even English?

dont chnge the subjectyb

Price wants to see us

kndabusy rn asshole

He wants to see all three of us immediately

i mean unles he wnts to see me an locus hvning sex itssfgonna b hard to see him rn

Right. I'll let him know you're busy with Locus's dick. That'll go over well

Especially when he comes to evaluate both of your mental states

Because he'll want to know what the hell is wrong with you two

u cn tell ur boyfrin to go to hell

nd u tpo

Can you at least try to type normally

And Price is not my boyfriend. Why would think that?

sry like u said m busy w locus's dick hardto txt norml

nd its nt hard 2 tell

How you are even considered anywhere near intelligent is beyond me

I'll tell Price something believable

But trust me, it's a favor to Locus not your sorry ass

lol its not vry srry irght now if u ctch mydirft

Did not need those details

I'm done with this conversation

goodbye fish boy

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