[h.s. arc] sharkface to carolina

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A/N: let us pretend sharkface and lina are buddies okay?
kind of sorta sharkprice?? but in a superior-student kind of way, and mentioned lolix

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

Today 2:26 PM

Oh no

The new school counselor is hot

Who, Price?????

He's like 40, Ter

That's so wrong


That's only a twenty something age different right?

Terrance no

That's not okay

That would be against like every single school code

And moral code

Hey, I didn't say I wanted to get with the guy

Just that he was hot


Felix would probably have something to say about that

He'd probably even agree

Maybe you should just text Felix lol

No way. He's way too into Locus to notice

Whether he would admit that or not


Still. No hitting on the counselor Terrance

Fine, fine whatever

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

A/N: short chapter is short sry not sry


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