doc to o'malley

348 14 7

A/N: @FanfictionsCentral wanted AIs conversin', and @ShadowIvywood wanted doc and o'malley, so i kind of mixed the two *sweats nervously* hope that's all good~
let's pretend o'malley has his own body for this, like church and tex lol
i couldn't necessarily channel the evil o'malley in this, sry :P

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

7:48 PM


What is it? I'm busy

Did you do something with my messenger bag?

What are you busy with?

Is it important?

That doesn't answer either of my questions.

I need my bag though. It has my laptop and other work papers in it.

Mm, nooo. I haven't seen it~


All right, and what if I did?

I just need to know where it is, because I need it right now.

Fine. It's not at your apartment though

What did you do with it?

It might be at my place


That's what I said

You'll just have to come see for yourself

You're making things more difficult than they need to be.

Don't you ever consider not taking my things?

No, never crosses my mind

Okay, fine. I'll be there soon

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

A/N: sorry i haven't updated much recently guys, i've just been pretty busy lately :P


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