tucker to wash

102 6 1

A/N: yup yeah okay i think tucker's texting style changes every time i write him

established tuckington in this for some reason even though i don't even ship it, and some vague references to mature content :P

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

Today 11:19 AM

i like u

i like you too

that's kind of why we're in a relationship.



wher r u


catching pokemon



oh no u used my 1st name

am i supposed 2 b scared or turned on


yell heah

are you okay?

i meant 2 say hell yeah but i mean

close enough

wash sent an image

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i mean

ur not wrong

i thought i was the 1 who sent all the weird shit

this was a one time thing.

i want 2 believe that

but i find myself unable 2 4 sum reason

that's reasonable

did u basically jst say "seems legit"

but in a not meme-y way???


"seems legit" is meme-y?

in my book it is

if i say it its probably meme-y

that is true.

did u take the dog with u?


ur so awesome

she seemed like she wanted to go for a walk.

yeah i 4got 2 take her out this morning

i got distracted after all

;) ;) ;)

oh my god tucker

thts wuT U SAID

i have no actual response for that.

i have to go, important pokemon to catch

i cant believe ur actually ditching me 4 pokemon


yes i can

i'm sorry

no ur not

i love you

yeah luv u 2 jerkface

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

A/N: was any of that even in character??? probably not.

~+~ requests are closed until further notice ~+~


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