[h.s. arc] york to north

337 15 6

A/N: the awesome @dorkmark requested something with north and york, so here ya go~
established north/york in this chapter bc i ship them so hard wow

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

[Alex <3]
Today 7:43 AM



Pleeeeease tell me you haven't left to go to school yet

okay, I haven't left for school yet

Oh my god really????

no Shaun i'm already half way there


I overslept and obviously missed my bus and I forgot to get gas in my car so it's definitely not going anywhere

Alex please come get me

I can't miss anymore school

if i come get you, we'll both be late

can't Lina get you??

No man she's sick

You are literally my only option


And you're my boyfriend and you love me and you don't want me to miss school, do you?


i guess not

i'll be there in 20

Thank you babe :)))))

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

A/N: i'm so sorry it's so short!! i wrote it in the car bc i left rly early to go out of town, and i wanted to update a little bit

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