felix to sharkface

84 4 6

A/N: i can't believe i don't have an author note for this

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

Today at 2:24 PM

knock knock

Who's their


you asshole

i dont even wanna tell the joke anymore

What is wrong with you??

a lot

but at least im pretty




fucking rude

im gorgeous fuck you

being attractive is so inconvenient like how am i supposed to do anything if im constantly surrounded by fangirls/boys

Open your mouth, your personality will drive them away


i dont know why i still text you tbh

Good stop I hate getting texts from you

but you answer every time???

Shut up

okay yeah youre annoying me now bye

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

A/N: yeah that was not good sorry 😂😂 i didn't really know how to end it

do i wanna start a borderlands text book or nah??? would anyone but me be interested in that?????

~+~ requests are closed until further notice ~+~


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