[h.s. arc] donut to doc

356 16 13

A/N: i know it looks rly dumb to upload two chapters of not-highschool-au and then start it up again bc arcs aren't supposed to be interrupted like that but i am the writer and i do what i want xD

@FanfictionsCentral requested docnut so here is some docnut

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

[Bae 😘]
Today 7:05 PM

Hey, Doc! 😋

Hey Donut. What's up?

Practice is cancelled tomorrow right??


Do you maybe want to go grab lunch tomorrow or something then?

Sure, sounds nice :)

And maybe we can go to the mall or see another movie 😃

Yeah, that'd be fine with me.

So uhhhh hey

There's that Halloween bash thingie at the school and I know it's like two weeks away but...

Would you possibly like to go with me?

Of course! :)

I uh

Was actually going to ask you, when it got closer to the day haha


Yeah, lol. We haven't really hung out a whole lot, but you're really sweet and

I like you

A lot, I think


I like you too

Does that make tomorrow a date? Lol

It can be, if you want that

Uh yes of course I do!

Okay I'll pick you up tomorrow around 10 or so. Does that work?


Okay 😊

I can't wait to see you!

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

A/N: and then doc proceeds to be a blushing mess for the rest of the day

well they've made some progress lookit that
i can definitely imagine donut being rly outright with these kinds of things, but doc would def be a little more shy about it probably cx
this chapter was rly sappy and terrible sry

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