felix to locus

225 11 8

A/N: the rad king239 requested some lolix, so here is some lolix~

tbh, i think my favorite text interactions are between these two nerds lol

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

[fave douchebag]
Today 2:43 AM



you dickweasel answer me

Why don't you ever text me during the actual daytime when the sun is out, like a normal person?

i get better responses if its early lol

I personally find that hard to believe.

Is there something you needed?

nah i was just bored

ghost adventures went off and i ran out of pringles


so i wanted you to entertain me ;)


Goodnight Felix

ugh what do you mean no you know you cant deny me

Watch me.

i cannot believe this rudeness i am receiving from you

okay yeah even i know that was the biggest lie

i'm not just talking to myself here you know

I know. I get a notification every time you say something stupid.


You technically said that already.

oh my god i dont know how i put up with you sometimes


YOU put up with ME?

I don't even know how to respond to that.

dude you are like the human equivalent of grumpy cat

That probably means you're Moon Moon.

did you just

did you just reference a meme to me

i cant believe this

you actually know that meme


Why is that hard to believe?

i just

you don't look the type to know how the internet works lol

im actually getting pretty tired now though

ill text you when i get up

Okay. Don't sleep in too late, it's not good for you.

aw you do care about me <3

Goodnight Felix.

good night :*

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

A/N: wow that uh ended up being longer than i had anticipated lol. like i said, these are my favorite texts to write, so they tend to be the longer ones ^^;

~+~ requests are open. PM me if you have a request, i will not accept comment requests. ~+~


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