coming over, part one ☆ felix to locus

717 35 15

A/N: established lolix in this chapter
i had no idea what to name this chapter, forgive me
lots of unnecessary words on felix's part

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

[fave douchebag]
Today 1:31 AM

heyyyyy locus <3


no what? you dont even know what i was gonna say

Doesn't matter. I know you want something.

oh yeah mr mindreader? do tell. i would love to hear your predictions


Felix, it's one in the morning.

thank you captain obvious

what of it?

I was asleep.

bullshit you texted me back immediately. asleep my ass, you prick

i was actually going to say that i was gonna come over to your place

but youre being an asshole. i don't know if i want to anymore

You and I both know that's a lie.


You were going to come over to my apartment at one in the morning, without actually asking beforehand?

oh whatever, dont act like youre so against it

its not like ive never done the same thing before now

Today 1:47 AM



you dick we were having a conversation

you cant just not text me back


oh my god youre such a douchebag

i hope you get severely injured

Get injured doing what? Sleeping?

i knew youd text me back

im reconsidering coming over

Do or don't. I don't care

thats the biggest lie ever wow

you know you like waking up to me dont lie

youre like a human octopus in the mornings. its almost impossible to disentangle myself from you

I'm done having this conversation, Felix. Let me sleep.

whether im here or there, you wont be getting any sleep

Today 2:12 AM

are you being serious right now


you cant be asleep

well im definitely not coming over now, you jerk

locus im serious

whatever i hope you choke on your own saliva and suffocate during the night

Good. Night. Felix.

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

A/N: aren't they just the most lovely boyfriends, lol
i guess lolix was the motivation i needed to write longer conversations cx


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