[h.s. arc] locus to felix

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A/N: come on when do i not take any chance i get to include lolix lol

yooo chapter 69 (i think i'm funny pls ignore me)

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

Today 3:48 PM

My mother is insisting you come over for dinner Friday.

why??? ?

your parents hate me lol

I have no idea.

And they don't hate you, they just think you're a bad influence.

theyre probably right

Do you want to come or should I come up with some believable excuse for you not to?

nah ill come

free food lol

your mom always makes amazing food soooo


Okay I'll tell them.

Friday 10:03 PM

i cannot believe your mom gave us "the talk" over dinner

If it makes you feel any better, it surprised me too.

well hey your parents have nothing to worry about

They have basically everything to worry about Felix.


I just can't believe she actually mentioned a wedding, let alone not being able to pay for a big one.

dont worry my grandparents are loaded they can pay for it

You're assuming we're getting married in the future.

well yeah who else is gonna put up with  me

That would be sweet, if it was coming from anyone but you.

oh bite me

No, you'll just enjoy that too much.

yeah youre right

hey come over tomorrow we can stay in bed all day and play video games and cuddle

I guess I see no harm in that.

theres always a probability of a little harm with anything concerning me

That is...

Actually very true.


goodnight locus <3

Goodnight Felix.

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

~+~ requests are open. PM me if you have a request, i will not accept comment requests. ~+~


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