church to donut

342 14 8

A/N: @sigiels wanted churchnut supermarket texting, so churchnut supermarket texting is what this chapter is~
i wasn't exactly sure how to go about this, so pls let me know if it's totally off the mark, and i can do something different lol

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

12:34 PM


Where the hell did you go

Next door, silly!

Im not sure whats next door but youre supposed to be helping me get groceries

Okay yes

But next door

Is a nail salon, babe

What the fuck do you need in a nail salon

Um, pedicure

Goddammit donut

You left like an hour ago

I am socializing Leonard

Oh my god just hurry and get back here

I gotta wait for my toes to dry first

I swear to god

Okay fine look you stay there ill get you when im done here

Copy that 😘

What do you want for breakfast tomorrow

Since you ran off and youre not physically here to get it yourself

I don't care. You're the one that usually makes breakfast

If you leave it up to me your ass is eating cereal got that

So what do you want

Ugh just get some pancake mix and fruit or something. I literally do not care

Why are you so difficult oh my god how are we still together

Because you love me too much 😉

Well i guess youre not wrong

Ill see you when im done here


.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

A/N: that was cringeworthy i did terrible i'm so sorry
let me know if you don't like it and i can do something else TTnTT
also i got back later today than expected, i apologize~


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