tucker to kimball

304 15 3

A/N: Demonblade1138 requested some tucker/kimball :P
ugh i didn't know what to write i'm sry this is probably gonna be sucky and so ooc i apologize in advance

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

Today 3:39 PM

heyyyyy ther

I'm at work Tucker

i jst wntd 2 say hi lol

Now you've said it leave me alone

cmon dnt b like tht :P




I'll text you when I'm on break, how about that?

sounds like a date

4:23 PM

Boss let me take my break early

He's letting me get off early too


around 5:30

we can go get dinner thn if ur up 4 it


I'll get something light for my break then


u  got a ride 2 work didn't u??


ill come pick u up then

since ur getting off early


We can't go eat anywhere too spectacular if I'm in work clothes though

ill bring sumthin 4 u 2 change in2 :P

Okay come a little early

Doyle is more likely to let me go if my ride is already here

can do

luv u

You too see you when you get here

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

A/N: yep i was right that was terrible i'm so sorry~ TTnTT


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