church to tex

523 34 2

A/N: both iiChickenNugget and @Luna-stories wanted some chex, so here you guys go~

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

Today 1:38 PM

Goddammit tex!

What's your problem???


Oh my god

You took my entire fucking wallet

Not even just some of my money

But the whole damn wallet

Thats what my problem is

Oh that was yours? My bad

Dont act all innocent

Maybe you shouldn't have left it out in the open like that. I was tempted

It was in my fucking jacket pocket

And the jacket was in the closet

That is definitely not out in the open

Hey it's not like I've spent any of your money yet



Dont tell me you took my car too

Define took

Oh my god

I may have just accidentally borrowed your keys, got into your car and drove away

How do you accidentally borrow something???????

How do you accidentally steal my car keys, start the car, and drive off

How do you accidentally do that tex

You are seriously overreacting Church

You took my only vehicle and all my money

That's all your fault

How the hell is it my fault

Because I said it is

Ugh just maybe try not to wreck it this time??

And dont spend all my money


Cant believe you not only took my wallet but my car too

Expect some payback in the near future

Yeah yeah. Love you too Church

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