tucker to tex

210 8 6

A/N: fire_team_evolved requested some tex/tucker which i didn't know i needed until now???

also, warning: reference to mature content up ahead :P

this is specifically halo-verse
so uh.. just imagine they have some kind of ipad fuckery in space xD

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

Today 23:48

heyyyy ;)

What do you want Tucker?

wut do u mean lol

It's the middle of the night. I'm assuming you want something

rude wut if i jst wantd 2 say hey

What if I just wanted you to type like a normal human being

You never "just want to say hey"

lmao ya ok ur rite

how bout u come here ;))))

How about you ask correctly?

And then I might think about it.

ugh ur so difficult

Tex, I would very much like it if you came in here, please.

how was that?


Maybe a little too polite

oh my god

jst come here pls

For what?

u kno wut ;)

and if u didnt get tht reference

i meant "explicit adult content"

Yes, thank you, I think I got the message

kay then wutr u waitin 4??? come onnnnnn

Okay stop your whining, I'll be there in a minute. Kind of can't walk around the base half naked now can I?

well i mean

its all gonna come off anyway ;)

Wow. I'll come in there as long as you stop messaging me.

fine lol

ill b waiting ;)

.::*::. .::*::. .::*::. .::*::.

A/N: i don't know what i'm doing anymore lmao
in my best efforts to make my texts longer, you guys just ended up with trash i apologize xD

and, once again, i'm pretty sure tucker's text style changed lol sorry not sorry

~+~ requests are open. PM me if you have a request, i will not accept comment requests. ~+~


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